FOSSSIL News An Annual Newsletter of the FOSSSIL Society |
In keeping with the basic objectives of FOSSSIL, FOSSSIL News will provide regular updates and discussion on research on Indian languages as well as on the broader theoretical and empirical questions that form the context of such research. FOSSSIL News is an annual newsletter that promises to be more than a mere listing of events.
In our focus on Indian language research in this inaugural issue, we carry the dissertation abstracts of work in Dakkhini Urdu by Naila Iffat (CIEFL, Hyderabad) and Ao Mongsen by Pangersenla (University of Delhi, Delhi). We also carry reports of recent conferences and workshops (2006-2007) by members of FOSSSIL, who attended and presented papers on Indian languages at these events.
Finally, in terms of our commitment to exploring the broader context of formal linguistic research in India, we carry an original interview of Juan Uriagereka by Tanmoy Bhattacharya and Ayesha Kidwai. We also pay homage to Tanya Reinhart, one of the most influential figures in syntactic theory since her PhD in the 1970's, in an obituary compiled by Samar Sinha. In addition, we also carry a detailed report of the 1st LISSIM, a major FOSSSIL event, and a book review in this issue. We hope that interviews and profiles of linguists, conference reports and book reviews will become regular features of the Newsletter.
In future issues, FOSSSIL News would like to explore issues pertaining to formal research in the diverse languages of the Indian subcontinent. We urge our readers to write in and apprise us of any research that they may have undertaken on these issues, as well as any other issues that they would like to see discussed on the pages of FOSSSIL News. We invite submissions for the next issue of the newsletter, especially in the form of dissertation abstracts (200 words) for M.Phil./ Ph.D. dissertations completed between 2006-2007, reports on conferences/ workshops/ etc. held between 15th May- 15th July 2007 (300 words), and short articles/ squibs on the above issues (400 words). Please send in your contributions to editors@fosssil.in latest by 15th July, 2007.